Displaying 1 - 30 of 49 in total
Productivity is Not the Point
Productivity is a byproduct.The most productive people you know aren’t focused on systems and hacks.They are driven, energized, and enthusiastic.They do a lot all of t...
Two Delegation Strategies
Delegation is a challenge for many entrepreneurs. You either:Struggle to figure out what work to hand off.Have a ton of work but don’t know how to communicate what nee...
Subconsciously Sabotaging Your Own Success
If you’ve ever felt stuck, frustrated, or like you're spinning your wheels despite putting in effort, this might be what's happening beneath the surface….You might rat...
Trusting Yourself to Respond to Change
The idea that one day your business will be "stable" and free from uncertainty is a myth. Markets shift, customers change, and what worked yesterday won’t necessarily ...
Evolve Your Business for a Sustainable Future
Instead of forcing yourself to fit into an old model, it’s time to evolve your business to fit YOU.
Morning Coffee: Being Shown The Magic Trick (What is Possible)
I remember having a phone call with Paul Jarvis (Author/Creator) and we were talking about his newsletter, which I was an avid reader of. I told him how much I was imp...
When you change, your business outcomes change.
I have a client who went from $5k months to $10k and then $50, $100k+ months.Here’s what I noticed along the way: He’s still him, and yet the way that he sees his work...
Practicing Presence through "The Way" App
I’ve been practicing meditation again, now through a new App called “The Way.” It’s been teaching a simple framework for noticing more about how our minds work. What c...
Selling is a Partnership
If you’re stuck selling, ask yourself if you’re trying to prove the value of what you do to someone else.The biggest misconception of sales and selling to clients is t...
Letting Go of Thinking: Why Your Best Ideas Happen in the Shower
There’s a subtle lesson as to why our best thinking arrives in the shower. It’s a multiple of effects all happening at once.The first is that you’re not intending to t...
Give problems to your unconscious to solve for you
Explore why many people get their best ideas in the shower and what it reveals about problem-solving. Discover the role of relaxation, white noise, and a calm environm...
Practicing Presence through "The Way" App
Are you struggling with overthinking, especially at night or before important events? In this episode, we discuss how the meditation app The Way has helped with managi...
Build a Business So Good You Never Want to Exit
David Sherry discusses creating a business and life that align so perfectly that you never want to sell or quit. He challenges the traditional 'moonshot' mentality pre...
Technique: How do you learn to love what doesn't come naturally to you?
how to reframe struggles in various areas of life, such as fitness and relationships, by focusing on the enjoyable aspects of these activities. Cherry shares personal ...
The Key to Lasting Business Success
Business is always changing, but people are not.Without understanding this, business success can feel random.That being said, there are some patterns we can learn. And...
Kari – An Interview with a Face Yoga Coach
I've started interviewing niche coaches who are doing interesting work that are for hire. Today I interview a "Face Yoga" coach who gained popularity through TikTok. W...
James Rores – Learn to Feel Comfortable Selling
In this episode, I speak with James Rores about learning Sales. James coaching teams and leaders to develop proven strategies for their sales processes, but does so wi...
Andy Didorosi – Collaborative "Email" Marketing (Basecamp)
In this episode, I talk with Basecamp and Hey email's head of Marketing, Andy Didorosi about a whole slew of topics related to marketing in a collaborative and unique ...