Will Mannon – Surfing the Internet For Education and Ideas (BASB)

Will Mannon is the course manager for two fast-growing online, cohort-based courses, "Building a Second Brain" and "Writes of Passage". On this episode, we discuss the future of online learning, the opportunities Will see's for people diving into the creator economy, and some of Will's favorite quotes and ways of looking at the world. You can follow Will on Twitter or check out his blog here! https://twitter.com/will_mannon https://www.will-mannon.com/
Will Mannon is the course manager for two fast-growing online, cohort-based courses, "Building a Second Brain" and "Writes of Passage". On this episode, we discuss the future of online learning, the opportunities Will see's for people diving into the creator economy, and some of Will's favorite quotes and ways of looking at the world.

You can follow Will on Twitter or check out his blog here!
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